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Oolite wiki legal status


It is natural way to display progress of your exploration. Rest of the map is covered with fog of unknown. It displays local system, all systems in 7 LY range and all systems beyond 7 LY horizon marked by Explorer’s Club database as already visited. In flight you have access only to your personal navigation database. You can plan your long range voyages as usual besides fact that you have no info for systems en route. You can see however systems of mission destination marked as usual. You have all 256 systems plotted on map, but for unexplored systems beyond 7 LY range you have only positions. In docked state you have access to Galcop terminal with navigation map based on astronomical data.

oolite wiki legal status

But you have all rights to collect and maintain your personal database. Information about unvisited systems beyond 7 LY horizon is not secret nor patented. Why give trader information, possibly stimulating him/her to seek more profitable routs? There are no direct trade lanes connecting these systems with local one. Providing crucial info about neighbours is essential if you want local traders to establish trade routs with them.Īre local governments really interested to provide private trader crucial info about systems beyond 7 LY range? Possibly no. Just logic.Īre local governments really interested to provide private trader crucial info about systems in 7 LY range? Absolutely, if they take private trading as important part of system economy.

How to explain collision between local “fog of uncertainty” for player and global concept of colonized and densely populated Ooniversum with unified economic and legal space (and with Galcop as global political institution)? It is possible without speculation about patent trolling or corporate conspiracy. Maybe you find it fun addition if you like Explorer’s Club.

Safe to use: install it, try it and deinstall it if you don’t like it, no garbage remains in save. Here be Dragons uses Explorer’s Club data set. Murphy & Wildeblood), expanding it’s functionality. It is plugin for popular Explorer’s Club (authors Capt. Here be Dragons is not stand-alone expansion pack. Why separate project with similar functionality? Implementation of concealment parameter in Oolite 1.84 gives me chance to reincarnate old project and bring it to new level. You can obtain ALL useful info on unvisited systems deeply beyond 7 LY horizon on zoomable map – just press I to display system pictograms. I was addicted with explorable Ooniverse idea since 2013, but all I was able in early version – to prohibit display of F7 info for unvisited systems beyond 7 LY information horizon.

For clarity – Here be Dragons is not mod of ZeroMap in any way. ZeroMap (author Smax) was the first released expansion pack exploiting concealment parameter. “Transparent” value of concealment (system is invisible on map for player but visible for mission generation scripts) would be nice, but let’s deal with what we have. This is however technical problem in concealment implementation: mission generation in many OXPs (and maybe in vanilla game too) is based on assumption that ALL systems on map are visible.

oolite wiki legal status

But new system parameter “concealment” introduced in dev version Oolite 1.83 allows to prohibit system info F7 or hide systems on map completely.

oolite wiki legal status

Is it possible to convert all-map-already-known game onto game-exploration of dark ocean of unknown? Up to Oolite 1.82 answer was “no way”. Well, you have no idea how next map looking before entering it, but after entering you instantly have ALL info. You have ALL crucial information about EVERY system on map from beginning. Despite being open world Oolite inherited from Elite idea of already known map.

Oolite wiki legal status