For healing, it informs the community that services are available for recovery. For preventive education, it helps men better understand and appreciate women’s experiences, thus changing perspectives, helping improve gender relationships and decreasing the potential for violence. How do you get people talking now, so they can prevent it from happening? And if it's already happened, how do you help them recover.Ī Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® Event is abundant with opportunities to get people talking. People that have experienced sexualized violence themselves want to forget about it. People unfamiliar with men's sexualized violence against women don't want to know it exists. Unfortunately, it's difficult to get people talking. While hidden away, sexualized violence is immune to cure. It's critical to open communication about sexualized violence. It's not easy walking in these shoes, but it's fun and it gets the community to talk about something that's really difficult to talk about: gender relations and men's sexualized violence against women. There is an old saying: "You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes." Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® asks men to literally walk one mile in women's high-heeled shoes. A Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® Event is a playful opportunity for men to raise awareness in their community about the serious causes, effects and remediations to men's sexualized violence against women. All of our services are confidential, free, and available to anyone who’s experiencing domestic violence, homelessness, poverty, and many other barriers faced in challenging times.Each year, an ever-increasing number of men, women and their families are joining the award-winning Walk a Mile in Her Shoes®: The International Men's March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault & Gender Violence. Our goal is to ensure anyone living in or leaving an abusive relationship has access to someone who can respond to their crisis and support them. The fundraising efforts of all Walk A Mile in HER Shoes event participants allows SafeHome to deliver programs that provide many services to women, men, and children who have chosen to pursue a healthier, safer, and more secure life. It doesn’t take much to make an impact. It takes a desire to make a difference, no matter how small. Special prizes are available for teams that participate together. Take the lead this year and register as a Team Captain. Get pumped and register for the Walk a Mile in HER Shoes 2021 event! YWCA Hanover Safe Home will be streaming live during the event with special guests and surprises! We encourage you to record, photograph, and stream your walk to share online also! The event asks men to literally walk one mile in women’s high-heeled shoes while the community supports their efforts through pledging funds and joining the walk.

Walk a Mile in HER Shoes 2021 – is a pledge-based, fundraising, and public awareness campaign. “You can’t really understand another person’s experience until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” Funds raised will help to provide services for survivors of domestic violence. By wearing women’s shoes, participating gentlemen symbolically put themselves in the place of women for the purpose of raising awareness about the dire effects of sexual and domestic assault in our community. It’s not easy walking in these shoes, but it’s fun and it gets the community to talk about something that’s really difficult to talk about: gender relations and men’s sexual violence against women. Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® asks men to literally walk one mile in women’s high-heeled shoes. The International Men’s March To Stop Rape, Sexual Assault & Gender Violence The community support for what we do is inspiring, and for that, we thank each and every one of the walkers, donors, sponsors, and supporters. T19:00:00-04:00 YWCA Hanover’s Walk A Mile In Her Shoes Friday, August 13th, 2021 Upstanders: YWCA Youth Leadership Council.